Le Race Petite proved to be an event of two funs. The type 2 fun, (the type that hurts at the time) came early on in the day when my left knee made too close an acquaintance with the gutter; again. Any one who rides up Dyers Pass Rd has probably noticed that strip of mounded asphalt on road side of the gutter. Well I hit it, all on my own, and was into the gutter at the feet of the crowd. It was a long, hot and very windy trip from there to the type 1 fun at the domain in Akaroa. Richard rolled me an ice cream, took a picture and made it all better! Best ice cream ever.
Easter provided 4 days of uninterrupted training opportunities kicking off on Good Friday with a climb up to the Packhorse Hut from the Kaituna Valley side. Simply gorgeous views all around and the Easter Bunny had been out and about.
It wouldn’t be a walk without some steps for the collection…
Saturday was vigorous gardening day, aka lumber-jacking with my favourite weapons the pruning saw and long handled loppers! Take that trees! That was going well until I disturbed a wasp nest and conducted a hasty tactical withdrawal. I wasn’t quite fast enough not to get stung several times though. This gardening business is hard yakka. So Sunday it was back to the hills and a super quick recce of Mt Isobel at Hanmer. It’s been on my mind for a long time that I really should climb my namesake one day. Another gorgeous day and I went far enough to see that I’ll have to come back another time and with some experienced company. It looked like coming back down was going to give me more trouble than going up but I was pleased with how much I did and what I’ve learned for next time. I was so focused on the mission and the time frame I had available I completely forgot about taking any pictures! I can tell you that the view is staggering in all directions but especially along the Waiau Valley.
So what about the bike? Yes I thought I’d better do some pedaling with the Grape Ride Taster coming up next and I found this super lane complete with gravel sections to practice on across the Waimak around Clarkville. It wasn’t so sunny today and even a few spits of rain that was lending a gloomy backdrop to my lowering mood when I found these roads. I love riding new territory and making discoveries along the way. It never feels like training at all when it’s an adventure.