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Whether it's the 25km, 50km, traditional 100km or the big hitter, The Miler - whatever your goal, we can help you get there!
Develop your riding skills, learn about nutrition and recovery to get the most out of every training ride as guided by your CP Coach.

From our 'do it yourself option' of our CP Training Guide, to our Training Plans and our Coaching Memberships, we have something for everyone.


Our CP Coaching Team love riding bikes and are passionate about helping you become the best you can be.  To find out more about our awesome team of CP Coaches click here.

The Start Up Process – the first step
This is all about getting to know you and coming up with a game plan of how we will achieve your goal.  The first step is to determine your easy wins – how will you improve the most with the least possible time and effort.  The key outcome of this meeting with your coach is a one page road map that will help to guide our build up over the coming months.  Click here to get started

Communication is key
We need to know how you are going.  If you are standing at the top of a hill after an epic climb or if the wheels have fallen off and you are battling then we need to know about that too.  By keeping in close contact we can celebrate with you or help come up with a solution to get your restarted.

Keeping track of your progress
Using a number of tools such as Training Peaks, Strava, sports science testing and regular goal setting with your CP coach we will ensure that you continue to take small steps to achieving your big hairy goal.

Being part of the team
An endurance event or training for one can be a very individual undertaking.  By joining Team CP you can be a part of something bigger than yourself.  Meet others with the same goal as you or have someone jump out of the bushes and cheer you on.

What are my training & coaching options?
Team CP offers three great ways to help you organise your training so you can get to the start line feeling fit, fresh, injury free and with a game plan of how to achieve your goal for the day – we have something to suit your goals, budget and lifestyle.


CP Guide  

The CP Training Guide has been designed for those either just starting out who want a bit of a guideline to get rolling or those experienced riders who know how to manage their training but want a race-specific overview to keep themselves on track.


Get yours today!
Training Plan Membership  

The Training Plan Membership utilises the Training Tilt software to gain access to our fully interactive event-specific programme.  We start off with a 30min coach lead session to make sure that you are up and running with the online system.  This is where you can move the Whaka plan around to make it yours, check out the Whaka 100 education resources and complete the specific sessions. Strava or Garmin can connect to it to automatically to track your progress which you can view on your computer or via the app on your mobile device.

CP Coaching Membership  


Your CP Coaching Membership is all about communication and making the most of the training time that you have available.  We kick off with an in-depth initial planning session where we determine your road map to your event making sure that we cover all elements of your performance from nutrition to strength training, to mental skills and technique.  Following this initial session, you will catch up with your coach on regular basis to review your progress, plan for the next few weeks and set two or three goals to keep you learning and staying on track.


Get Started 
Premium Coaching Membership The Premium Coaching Membership takes your performance to the next level with a data driven approach to training.  Using your Heart Rate Data and or Power numbers to track your training load and recovery rates to ensure that you make the most from each session that you execute.  Together we will plan, execute and review your training on a regular basis to ensure that you a getting the biggest performance improvements possible so you can nail your race day goals. Get Started

"Putting the TEAM into Team CP".

Richard Greer

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Start your journey with Team CP, become a member today!

  • What is your enquiry about?
  • Do you have a target event?
  • How did you hear about Team CP?
  • So we can best help you, please let us know more about your enquiry such as what your interested in at Team CP, what you would like to achieve, or if you would just like to be more involved with the CP community.