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Done and Dusted!

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

Choosing the Velothon Sunshine Coast as my main event for 2017 was an awesome decision, for so many reasons. The past five months have been filled with fun, satisfaction, adventures and gratitude, and I am still buzzing from the whole experience. The Challenge was Superb! Having never completed a stage race before this was an […]

Energy makes energy

Friday, July 28th, 2017

A cheeky Friday afternoon ride makes me feel good Last week I was fortunate enough to be a part of a presentation delivered by Rowena Palmer Morgan.  You may know Rowena as she has been a part of our CP team for some time and is a regular at our CP group rides.  Rowena is a […]

Sometimes getting out the door can be the hardest part…

Friday, July 28th, 2017

With each new day comes a different challenge – that’s what makes life so interesting. My challenge on Sunday was to get out of bed after a really fun afternoon/evening attending a friend’s wedding, and head out on my bike for my training session. It is fair to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the […]

It is so much more than just pushing the pedals.

Friday, July 28th, 2017

Call me a geek, but I love learning! I am always fascinated by new information and enjoy continuing to fill my fountain of knowledge! So last week when the opportunity came up to participate in an Anaerobic Threshold Cycle Test, I of course put my hand up. Thanks to Steve at University of Canterbury, this […]

Training Buddies

Friday, July 28th, 2017

The highlight of my training last week was sharing my Saturday long ride with someone else. Julz, one of our awesome Team CP members and an all-round super cool person (who kicks arse on the bike!) is also training hard at the moment, and kindly let me tag along on her flat ride over the […]

Why I needed a why that was mine!

Friday, July 28th, 2017

The restlessness at the beginning of the day, working away on everything but my fitness, and riding home over a railway bypass that felt more difficult than usual highlighted the need to get a goal, a Big Hairy Audacious Goals (B-HAGS), and fast.   In the nature of my work coaching there’s always something, a race […]

My 5 ways to thrive through winter!

Friday, July 28th, 2017

I like to think I had a fairly moderate summer of racing compared to my usual. I did half, if not less than, my usual amount of guiding down the Waimakariri River (preparing others for Coast to Coast) and had an awesome summer of racing by finishing second in the mixed tandem category of that […]

Balanced and Realistic

Friday, July 28th, 2017

It’s amazing how three short weeks in a row can make such a difference to my normal routine.  Before I know it, it is the second week of May and suddenly my event is only 10 weeks away! After a long weekend, then two weekends away working, plus a week working on the Hawke’s Bay […]

Getting Specific and Avoiding Regret

Friday, July 28th, 2017

As winter sets in it also means something else… summer racing is getting closer, and it’s time to get organised. It’s all well and good saying it’s too cold to train, but if I take that view point there’s only one person that is held back each week I delay. Any guesses? So, seeing as […]

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going…

Friday, July 28th, 2017

Last Saturday was a true test of character and one of those rides I will reflect on when ‘the going gets tough’ at any stage throughout the Velothon. The weather the night before was wet and windy, however when I looked out the window the next morning it was clear and cold, but not frosty…perfect! […]