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CP Media Wednesday Night Live 27th May 2020 Oska Baynes and running fast

Thursday, May 28th, 2020

5:00 This week we kick off with special guest Oska Baynes to discuss his running journey and what it takes to run fast! It hasn’t all been plane sailing though as he discusses how he rebuilt his body and lifestyle after hitting rock bottom following his win at the Auckland Marathon. Oska shares his training […]

Training and motivation through this unsettling period.

Friday, March 20th, 2020

Hi Team, What a crazy and unprecedented time we are living in!! One day we will look back on this period and remember the strange mix of frenzied activity, self-isolation, social distancing and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that its over. But for now, we’ve just got to get through it…. I thought I’d […]

Top 10 Tips To Getting Started On Your Bike

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019

Top 10 tips to getting started on your bike Bike check – is your bike safe and running smooth?  After dusting the cobwebs of your bike it is really important to make sure that it is safe to ride – brakes are working well, tyres are pumped up etc.  It is a really good idea […]

The power of “yet”

Thursday, July 5th, 2018

“I can’t run to the top of the hill”, “I can’t swim 10 lengths” “We don’t have a cure for my brain tumour” Yesterday I had a great catch up with a good friend of mine Andrew Sloan who I used to do a lot of training and racing with in our university days in […]

Sleep- We Just Need More!

Sunday, June 24th, 2018

Let’s talk sleep…we all wish we had more of it.  After attending a Exercise Recovery Symposium led by some of the greatest minds in the Sports Science Industry, I was made very aware of how important sleep is to…EVERYTHING!!!  If we are not sleeping, we are not recovering, which leads to a raft of problems […]

Winter Training Strategies

Monday, June 4th, 2018

Training is easy when the sun is shining, the temperatures are warm and the daylight hours are longer. But with winter now officially here, the colder temperatures and darkness setting in before you even get home from work, enthusiasm and motivation can very easily waver. So to help you remain inspired and passionate for your training […]

The Art Of Getting To The Finish Line

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

The other weekend I completed the Red Bull Defiance that is set in the hills surrounding Wanaka – what a brutal course with so much climbing and in hot conditions. This is a two person team event where you need to do the entire course together supporting each other through the ups and downs. The last […]

Proactive versus Reactive – taking charge of your time

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

I thought that I would share something that I read the other day that I felt was very good and summed up how we can be managing a busy modern life.  What should we be focussing on to make sure that we fit our weekly training sessions in and do all of the things that […]

Smile While You Run!

Monday, September 4th, 2017

From a very young age we participate in the movement of running. It generally comes naturally and is something we do with little thought about how we execute the motion. As we develop and progress through life, we continue running the way we always have, often unaware of our style and technique. We simply lace […]

Cloud 9 Floatation Therapy: My Experience

Sunday, August 20th, 2017

The simplicity of running a bath at home and taking 20mins to soak and relax often is too much to fit into our busy day and lifestyle. “We don’t have time”. So the concept of taking an hour and a half out of our day to “Float” for many of us would seem unnecessary and […]