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Today we are talking with Brian Ashby.  If you don’t know the name you will definitely know the voice.  Brian has been in broadcasting since 1983 as a 19 year old, so as you can imagine has a story or two to tell…  We discuss the iconic moments and epic fails in three key endurance events the Olympic Triathlon, NZ Ironman and the Kathmandu Coast to Coast.


We catch up with Robert Snoep, one of our awesome Team CP crew.


We talk to Physiotherapist Simon Salmond from Future Proof Rehab based in Auckland specifically about efficiency and knee pain on the bike.

We round out the show with “Friday drinks with James”


Angus Petrie – @gustric

Richard Greer – @ric.greer  


Pure Sports Nutrition –

Coffee Culture –

Giant Bikes NZ –

EVO Cycles –

Salomon NZ –

Team CP – Your Endurance Coaching Specialists –



[email protected]


This week we kick off with special guest Cameron Brown.  Cam is the consummate professional having won New Zealand IRONMAN 12 times, and 4 Hawaii Ironman world championship podium finishes and was crowned NZ Sportsman of the year 2001.  Cam is now 48 years young and still racing at the highest level.   


We catch up with Amanda Robinson. Amanda is all about challenging herself she has a big summer ahead with the new Ultra 24hr event and the Kathmandu Coast to Coast Longest day on the cards.   


We catch up with Cushla Holdaway Team CP Dietitian to discuss her nutrition tip of the week.    


Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer    


Pure Sports Nutrition – 

Coffee Culture – 

Giant Bikes NZ – 

EVO Cycles – 

Salomon NZ – 

Team CP – Your Endurance Coaching Specialists –   


[email protected]


This week we kick off with special guest Josie Wilcox. Josie is the current NZ National Cross Country MTB Champion, has won the The Pioneer and Emerson’s Whaka100 twice. Josie is relatively new to Mountain Biking after taking it up just three years ago so has had a rapid rise to the top. We find out about her back ground, how she trains and juggles full time work while performing at the highest level. 



We meet CP athlete Rachel Baker. Rachel is still in her 20’s but you wouldn’t think it for all that she has achieved within Multisport and Adventure Racing. We find out more about her achievements and Rachel shares her top training and racing tips for adventure racing.  


[email protected]    

CP Media Hosts 

Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer

The CP media team are back for their second season of Kathmandu Coast to Coast specials 

This week we kick off with Race Director Glen Currie to update us on how preparations are going for the 21 edition of the Kathmandu Coast to Coast.

We chat to Alison Wilson who was second in the 2020 Women’s Longest Day in her first outing at the event.  We find out more about her background, how her race unfolded and if she will be back for 2021?

We also catch up with Matt Bateman, Matt completed the Mtn Run in 2020 as part of a 3 person team. He loved it so much he signed up the next day in a tandem team to do it with his flatmate and first timer Thomasina.


[email protected]    

CP Media Hosts 

Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer


This week we kick off with special guest Braden Currie. Braden is an elite long distance triathlete who mixes family life, world travel and racing at the highest level. We get an insight into his background, what makes him tick, how he trains and how he continues to perform at the top level. 


We meet CP athlete Laura Pattie who has had an awesome 12 months with the Whaka 100 MTB event and running an awesome sub 9hr Old Ghost Ultra.  We also check in on her marathon goals that she has lined up   


We catch up with Cushla Holdaway Team CP Dietitian to talk eating habits and specifically late night eating.  We discuss some strategies for how to improve this.  


[email protected]    

CP Media Hosts 

Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer


This week we kick off with special guest John Quinn. John is a mental skills coach and is currently working for High Performance Sport New Zealand, New Zealand Rugby, Canterbury Cricket and many more. 

We discuss 5 key topics Performing under pressure and dealing with the expectations of yourself and others,  

How to keep pushing hard when the going gets tough – dealing with “the hurt locker”  

How to best deal with start line nerves. 

How to develop and maintain a routine and consistency during the working week now that we are out of lock down and back to a more normal routine. 

Key tips for developing self confidence for whether it is turning up to your first group session or digging deeper mid event.  


We catch up with Cushla Holdaway Team CP Dietitian and recap on recovery nutrition before discussing diet culture and how to deal with this in day to day life.  


We meet Paul Botha, one of our team CP athletes to discuss the Comrades marathon and his experiences at the biggest and longest running Ultra marathon on the planet. 


[email protected]    

CP Media Hosts 

Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer


Nathan is an adventurer, event organiser, business owner, family man and epic individual. He has been a semi professional and full time professional athlete for 18 years. During that time he has represented New Zealand at 4 different sports, attending 15 World Championships. He has captained the New Zealand Adventure Racing team to 6 World Championship victories. We look forward to talk to Nathan about training, racing, leadership, mental toughness and getting the kids out on adventures.  


We catch up with Cushla Holdaway Team CP Dietitian and talk recovery nutrition strategies and discuss the three R’s.  


We meet George Rzoska who is one of our awesome team CP athletes and find out about his journey and targets for the year ahead. 


[email protected]    

CP Media Hosts 

Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer


This week we kick off with special guest Dan Abel.  Dan is an open water swim coach who is currently experiencing his first winter for a very very long time.  He has crossed the English channel in nothing more than a pair of speedos and also swam around Rarotonga!  Dan is an expert coach and taught many adults to be confident in the open water and push the boundaries in their own swimming adventures.  

English Channel…



We wrap up our vertical metres for May challenge with the awesome Hannah Gee and see how Saturdays 10km Time Trial went for Keith Wright and a few of the CP Crew. 


[email protected]    

CP Media Hosts 

Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer

This week we kick off with special guest Oska Baynes to discuss his running journey and what it takes to run fast!  It hasn’t all been plane sailing though as he discusses how he rebuilt his body and lifestyle after hitting rock bottom following his win at the Auckland Marathon.  Oska shares his training diary with us and some of his running mantras that help to keep him focused when the going gets tough.  These were especially important when he was in the form of his life and about to jump on a plane for the world half marathon champs and they were canceled due to Covid 19. 


We meet Isobel Stout who is an awesome part of our Team CP community.  Isobel was one of our early adopters back in 2007 and she shares her journey that has included a battle back from Breast Cancer and how she got back into riding to raise money for the Pink and Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Foundation.    


We wrap up with our vertical meters for May challenge and check in on the current world record Everest attempts.   



[email protected]    

CP Media Hosts

Angus Petrie – @gustric 

Richard Greer – @ric.greer

Team CP community – what does it mean to you? To George Rzoska it means a lot and the feeling is mutual.

George singed up with Team CP in late 2018 – his main goal was to pass the running section of the Police admission test. Little did George know, when he first contacted James, he was about to open up a can of worms and turn himself into a runner.

For some of us, showing up to the first run group doesn’t seem like such a big deal, it may be that you are already fit or have some natural affinity for the sport. But for others, it’s a more daunting prospect, where you may be fearful of being judged about your abilities (or lack thereof), be too slow for the group, get dropped… George had all of these trepidations, considering himself a “chubby slow poke”, he hated going to gyms and was self-conscious about turning up to the Team CP run group.

However, rather than meeting the expected group of elite athletes and their judgmental stares, George was welcomed in the true Team CP fashion, with a massive Jacob La Mont smile and a cheeky Jen Halliday grin. George was blown away by how welcoming the group was and quickly transitioned to becoming a regular member of the Thursday night trail running group. He was stoked that there is no such thing as a “back of the group runner” at Team CP. It takes just one person to make a difference and we are very lucky to have multiple characters of this nature, who are always keen to add another person to the team.

While George was working hard to improve his running for the Police test, his coach James (in classic James fashion) sprung an idea on him – why didn’t he give a half marathon a crack? George laughed the idea off, not thinking he was “the sort of person” that could achieve such a goal – he couldn’t have been more wrong.

And no real accomplishment is ever earnt easily. George had to learn the hard way, his first half marathon (the Geraldine multi challenge) he said he blew up and was the last person to cross the line. But that didn’t discourage him and his strong determination and character gave him the tools to complete 8 half marathons in the last year (yes you read that correctly).

George’s sights have been elevated by watching his new friends achieve things he never thought possible – such as Jen and Jacob completing their 100 miler at Naseby and crewing Jenn at the 100km Krayzie Ks. Normal people (with exceptional calves) that you can relate to doing “extraordinary things”.

When reflecting on the mammoth list of events he has completed over the last few years, George pinpointed the Valley Ultra “piglet” race in Craigieburn (24Km) as being the one that had resonated with him the most. And no, it wasn’t because it was the easiest race where he ran a PB. George described the run as the hardest one he had ever done, he thought he had it in the bag until he turned onto struggle street at the half way mark and then rode a rollercoaster of emotions to the finish, which consisted of him dragging himself up a hill by a rope and slogging it out in true George fashion.

And yes, this story is entirely predictable – George has been caught by the bug that infiltrates most Team CP athletes, an ambition to see exactly what he can achieve with his newfound confidence. We are proud as punch to say that George has passed all the required physical tests for the Police admission programme and is now entered for the Krayzie Ks 50 km event, formally writing his name down to be part of the ultra-marathon racing community. Pretty epic from the guy who couldn’t fathom running 10 kms two years ago.

George is proof that tenacity is something you can grow if you are just willing to show up.