CP Media Wednesday Night Live 14th October 2020 – Holly Budge
2:41 – Holly Budge
We are excited to announce that Holly Budge – World record adventurer and conservationist will be joining the show this week. Holly has summited Mount Everest, been the first woman to skydive Mount Everest, raced 1000kms across Mongolia on horseback over 9 days and she is the founder of the How Many Elephants Charity which has fundraised over £400K. Holly is all about challenging herself, pushing the boundaries and inspiring others to take action.
41.26 – Richard Jackson
With the lack of events on offer recently Richard Jackson created his own challenge… Running the entire Queen Charlotte twice! That is 150km out to ships cove and back to his car. 26hrs later he completed this epic mission and we find out how it unfolded.
57:40 – Tech talk
Oska is going to join us tonight to talk technology. Specifically GPS watches, what is new, what do we need to know and how can they improve our performance.
Angus Petrie – @gustric
Richard Greer – @ric.greer
Pure Sports Nutrition – https://puresportsnutrition.com/
Coffee Culture – https://coffeeculture.co.nz/
Giant Bikes NZ – https://www.giant-bicycles.com/nz
EVO Cycles – https://www.evocycles.co.nz/
Salomon NZ – https://www.salomon.com/en-nz
Frontrunner Columbo – https://frontrunnercolombo.co.nz/
Sunnto Watches – https://suuntostore.co.nz/
Team CP – Your Endurance Coaching Specialists – www.teamcp.co.nz